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英語挑戰 - 與診所接待員對話

Updated: Apr 17

在外地預約診所或牙醫檢查時,我們需要就有關預約時間及個人資料與負責的診所接待員聯絡- 除了一般的基本資料提供以外,有關人員可能就你個人資料及其他 醫學相關的資訊作出查詢。就有關情況,以下模擬將提供一個普遍有機會會發生的內容對話。實際情況多少或許有一些出入, 大家請需要留意。


P: Patient 病人 R: Receptionist 診所前台職員

R: Good morning, this is Doctor Beckham’s office. How may I help you? 早晨,這裏 Beckham醫生辦公室,我可以如何協助你?

P: Hello, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Beckham, please. 你好,我想預約 (appointment) Beckham醫生。

R: Have you seen Doctor Beckham before? 你之前有沒有見過醫生?

P: Yes, I have. I had a routine body check-up with him last year. 我上一年有一個例行身體檢查 (routine body check)。

R: That’s great. Your name, please? 很好,你的名字是甚麼?

P: David Yuen. Y-U-E-N. 我的名字是 David Yuen,串法是 Y-U-E-N。

R: Thank you, Mr. Yuen, let me pull up your file. Okay, I have your information with me now. What's the reason for making an appointment? 讓我找出你的檔案……好了,我有你的資料。你今次約見的原因是甚麼呢?

P: I haven't been feeling very well lately. 我最近覺得不妥當。

R: Do you need urgent care? Did you get your COVID-19 vaccination? 你需要緊急醫療服務嗎?有沒有注射新冠肺炎疫苗?

P: I had my second jab/dose last month and I do not need urgent medical attention。 我上個月已經完成第二劑 (jab/ dose) 注射。我並不需要緊急醫療援助。

R: No problem, how about next Monday? There's a time slot available at 10 in the morning. 沒有問題,下個星期一如何?我們早上10:00時段有空。

P: I have work at 10. How about after 3? 我害怕不行了,我10:00要工作,3:00之後可以嗎?

R: Let me see. Not on Monday, but we have a three o'clock opening next Wednesday. Are you able to make it at that time? 星期一沒有了,但下個星期三則可以。你到時候可以前來 (make it) 嗎?

P: Yes, next Wednesday at 3 would be great. 可以,下星期三3:00很好!

R: All right, I'll pencil you in10 for three o'clock next Wednesday. 太好!讓我記錄你下星期三下午3:00的時間。

10 “pencil” 本身解作「鉛筆」,但在是描述「記錄」這個動作的意思。

P: Thank you for your help! Goodbye! 謝謝你的幫助!再見!

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