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英文挑戰 -與網上顧客服務部聯絡

Updated: Apr 17


C: Client 客人 S: Customer Service Officer 客戶服務專員

C: Hi! I had made a purchase of a red-coloured jacket and a pair of jeans4 from your online store last Friday. I have just received the parcel delivery from your store. 你好!我上星期五從你們的網上商店購買了一件紅色外套及一條牛仔褲。我剛剛收到了包裹。

4 褲子 (pants)、牛仔褲 (jeans) 和眼鏡 (glasses) 前均需加上量詞一對 “a pair of”,因為褲子有一對褲管,而眼鏡有一對鏡片。

S: What seems to be the problem? 請問有甚麼問題?

C: The pair of jeans I had ordered was size 34 but the one I received was size 41. It’s not the one I’d ordered. Also, I can’t find my jacket inside the parcel! 我下單的牛仔褲是34碼,但我接收到的卻是41 碼。這不是我所要的。而且我在你的包裹 (parcel) 中看不見我訂購的外套!

S: We apologize for the mistakes. Can you return the jeans to us and we will deliver to you the right one together with the jacket. We will pay for the postal fee and you don’t need to pay a dime5. 我們為此道歉。你可以寄回有關牛仔褲給我們嗎?我們會將連同外套及正確尺碼的牛仔褲寄給你。我們會支付有關郵費而你不需要支付任何費用。

**1 dime 相等於北美的 1毫。 “Don’t need to pay a dime” 付任何金錢。

C: Okay, then. 這個可以。

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