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Updated: Apr 18

與牙醫的對話主要圍繞牙肉、牙齒結構等相關敏感狀況。此章節將討論一般牙醫例行檢查的查詢、形容牙齒狀況及處理口腔護理的英語用詞。 透過以下簡單的模擬對話,我們可以了解到在與牙醫會面時所面對的有關詞彙、用語及表達方法。


P = Patient 病人 / 你 D = Dentist 牙醫

P: Good morning, Dr. Jones. I got some gum pain recently. The gum becomes sensitive, especially to cold water.

Dr. Jones早晨!我最近的牙肉 (gum) 痛。尤其是接觸凍水的時候,牙肉變得敏感 (sensitive)。

D: We’ll have a look at that in a minute. So, did you have any routine check-up with your dentist in Hong Kong?

我們稍後將會看一看; 那麼,你在香港時有沒有牙科醫生定期 (routine) 為你檢查 (check-up) 牙齒?

P: Yes. We have check-up once per year.



o Once every two years.


o I don't recall the last time I did the check-up.


o I lost track of the date of my last visit to the dentist.


D: It’s fine. Now, would you please lie down and open your month…….Well, I could see the colour of your gums. There is some gum inflammation in your upper jaw. It looks like you may have a few cavities as well.

沒問題。 現在請你躺下 (lie down) 及張開你的嘴巴。我可以看見牙肉的顏色。上顎 (upper jaw) 牙肉有點發炎 (inflammation)。就這樣子看來,你有數隻蛀牙 (cavity)。

P: But I brush my teeth every day and use dental floss from time to time. I also make sure my toothpaste contain fluoride.

但是我每日都有刷牙及周不時使用牙線 (dental floss)。我還確保所使用的牙膏 (toothpaste) 含有氟化物 (fluoride)。

D: Don’t worry. They look superficial1. I suggest we take x-rays to identify if there are other decays between the teeth.

不用擔心,蛀牙情況並不是十分深入。我建議我們做X光檢查看一看以確保 (identify)牙齒之間沒有其他蛀牙情況。 ( “Superficial”意思與 “shallow” 相近,都解作「淺」或「表面」,形容人的時候更有「膚淺」的意思。)


D: It seems fine to me. I don’t see any signs of further decay. Now, I will repair your teeth with dental fillings and get your teeth cleaned afterwards. You will hear the sound of dental drills2 in the process. Please bear with me.

一切很好,我並沒有看見其他更多蛀牙跡象 (sign)。現在,我會先以補牙 (dental fillings) 的方式為你修補 (repair) 牙齒,跟着給你的牙齒洗乾淨。你將會聽到牙科電鑽 (dental drill) 的聲音。請忍耐一下。( “Drill” 電鑽是處理牙齒琺瑯質損壞或蛀牙情況的工具)

P: Thank you, Doctor.


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