根據以下模擬情境,讓我們看一看在電話落單、處理貨品查詢、及訂購物資時相關形容情況的英文語句。無論在商業社會或公司業務,以致到私人網上購買貨品時下單等情況時 - 我們也需要就有關需求作清晰、準確及簡單的表達。這個時候我們要讓聆聽者知道就有關品種、 型號、數量移至到送貨日期、時間或其他外來環境影響等等因素作出解釋。
C: Client 客人 S: Sales Representative 銷售員
C: Hello, I'd like to place an order for your stationery bundles for my office. 我想為我的辦公室落單訂購 (place an order) 你們的文具套裝。
o Stationery 是指文具,而 stationary 是形容靜止的事物,只差一個字母但意思相差很遠。
S: Certainly. How many would you like? 你有興趣購買多少件?
C: Quite a few. Do you have any available stocks in the warehouse? 都不少的。 請問你們貨倉有存貨 (stocks) 嗎?
“Stocks” 除了可以解作「存貨」,還有「股票」的意思。股票市場的英文是 “stock market” – “livestock” 更是解「家禽」!
S: Since the lockdown, we always keep a large supply in stock for our clients. We have some available at our retail stores so it shouldn't be a problem. 自從封區之後,我們已經為我們的顧客保留大量存貨。我們的門市 (retail store) 都有存貨,所以不是問題。
C: Well then. I'd like to take 40 units by the end of next month. Could I get a rough estimation of the amount before I place an order? Are there any discounts if I order more? 那麼,我想在下個月前先要40套。我落單之前可有一個粗略估算 (rough estimation) 的價錢嗎?如果我購買多一些有沒有折扣?
“Unit” 字面解作「單位」,單位是甚麼隨情況而定。在這個情景中,我們在談論文具套裝,因此單位是「套」。另一個例子:I’d like 10 units of potato chips – 這裏的單位便是「包」。
S: Certainly. There will be discounts if you purchase 50 units or above. 當然,如果你購買50個或以上將會有折扣。
C: That’s great. I’ll take 60 then! I believe our garage is big enough for the stock. By the way, do you ship door-to-door? 太好了,那麼我要60個吧!我相信我們的車房 (garage) 可以容納到存貨的。話說回來,我想問你的送貨會是送上門 (door-to-door) 的嗎?
S: Yes. Delivery dates depend on your location. We usually deliver within 7 business days. You may see the tracking information/ delivery status along the way. 送貨日期將視乎你的位置 (location) 而定。我們通常於七個工作天內送達。你可以再送貨路途中一直看到貨件追蹤資訊 (tracking information) / 送貨狀態 (delivery status)。
C: Great! Thank you for your help. 太好了,謝謝你的幫忙。
S: My pleasure. We will send you our email confirmation regarding your order. 我們會發送一個關於 (regarding) 你的訂單的電郵確認 (email confirmation)。
C: Yes, that would be great! My email is a_lee@abcde.com. 很好!我的電郵是a_lee@abcde.com。