大家看見標題,相信會疑惑地想 "我會不了解自己呢?"
當然, 本課的意思斟酌當你與不同人見面或介紹自己之前, 應該先了解自己的一些近況,以及如何以英文有效、準確及清楚地告訴對方。在這方面我們當然先要了解自己,再以 相關的詞彙組織句子。老實說,初次接觸的對話離不開類似的主題及題目; 所以同學們先要放膽嘗試,對着鏡子多訓練 (相信現在不多人真的肯這樣做吧!! )
以下這些問題,將會是你們之間的開場白。 為表現自如,我們建議你為以下問題作準備
What is your name ? 你的名字是什麼Can I have your name please?
How old are you? 你多大年紀?
Are you single or married? 你是單身還是已婚?
Where are you from? 你來自哪裏? What made you decided to move here? Can you tell me why you are here? 可以告訴我為何你在這裏? Where do you live now? 現在你住在什麼地方?
Let’s talk about your kids / family members / your relatives / brothers and sisters. 說說你的小朋友, 家庭成員, 親戚, 兄弟姊妹
How old are they 他們的年紀? Are they still in Hong Kong or are they in the Australia with you? 他們本人在香港或在澳洲 Will they join you later? 他們會否跟你一起?
What do you do for a living? 你做什麼工作維生? What is your line of work 你從事哪一個行業? (line of work 類似 field of work) What is the nature of your job? 你工作的性質?
What was your occupation in Hong Kong? 你在香港從事什麼職業?
What kind of job are you looking for ? 你希望尋找什麼類型的工作?
Can you tell me something about your qualifications and your education background? 你可以告訴我有關你的專業資格及教育背景嗎?/ What are your qualifications and do you currently hold any degree? 你現在持有那一類型的專業資格及你現在正持有那些學位?What was your job title and your job responsibilities in Hong Kong? 你的工作銜頭是什麼以及你在香港工作的責任範圍?Do you run your own business? 你有經營你自己的生意?Was your job interesting as well as challenging? 你的工作是否富有挑戰性及充滿趣味性?
What are your favourite foods/cuisines? What kind of sports do you like to play? Where are the places that you wish to travel? What are your favourite seasons / hobbies / movies / book?
說說你喜歡的菜式 / 食物 / 體育/ 旅遊地方 / 季節 / 興趣/ 電影 / 書本
Do you like to travel 你喜歡旅遊嗎?
What do you usually like to do over the weekend? 通常週末你會喜歡做什麼? Any particular activities? 有那一些活動?
Did you watch football league / basketball NBA etc? Do you like watching the football league or the NBA basketball? 你會不會觀看足球或 NBA 球賽等項目?
What sort of jobs are you currently looking for? 現在你在尋找那一些工種?
Do you prefer working as part time or are you looking for a full time job? 你會尋找兼職或全職?
What kind of job nature would you be interested in? 有什麼工作性質你會感興趣 ?
In the long run, would you prefer/like to rent a house or an apartment? 長遠來說, 你會選擇租住平房或住宅單位?
What sort of neighbourhood would you be interested to live in? 你期望居住在那一種社區環境?
Which area in the suburbs will you be interested in? 你心目中那些區域或市鎮會感興趣?
Have you made any school arrangement for your children yet? 你是否已安排了子女就讀學校嗎?
Have you ever been to Australia before? 之前有沒有來過澳洲?
Why do you want to move here? 有什麼原因驅使你移居這裏?
Are you excited 刺激 / worry 擔憂 / frustrated 苦惱 about the move?
What are your major concerns at the moment? 現在你最擔心的是什麼?
What make you decide to move to Perth 有什麼驅使你決定移居至珀斯?
What kind of help do you need at the moment? 你想尋求什麼類型的幫忙?