The PRESIDENT Education Institute (PEI) was founded by renowned educators from Australia, Britain and Hong Kong, who have been committed to offer wide-ranged professional PEI English Programs and Native English Teaching service in Hong Kong. In coming years, we continue our journey in the exploration of all possibilities and extend our perspective from creating programs and workshops to hoisting events for different institutions of Hong Kong
PRESIDENT EDUCATION INSTITUTE 有別於一般英語教育機構,在過去數年中首學府更積極推動本地青少年創業及生涯規劃等項目,為香港年青人出一分力:
1. 本機構獲本地中學邀請,為年青人前往外國作交流團的學員充分的會話準備,為他們前往美國及澳洲等地家庭文化交流籌劃一系列介紹香港歷史及文化,與當地學生分享升學,創業等不同範疇議題分享。以對自身價值的探討, 透過是次活動讓他們對個人的優勢有更強認同及肯定,在建立年青人自身的個人形象作出不同的專業意見。
2. 本機構致力為年青人拓展全新視野; 於今年本機構更與本地慈善機構合作,舉行不同的職業體驗班,對剛中學畢業或已修讀大學課程等同學對不同行業有咁深厚的認識,擴闊他們對相關行業的市場需求等。有關活動 (診所及治療師助理體驗班課程) 更令本機構獲得商界展關懷愛的提名
3. 本機構獲”賽馬會鼓掌·創你程計劃”邀請為參與商業機構,設計出一系列針對生涯規劃等議題的活動課程、職業體驗班及創業工作坊等。
PEI English Education Department
To promote the highest quality of English standard, we encourage our students to explore the world of English language with a sophisticated eye on the trends of our community and endeavor the motto “to teach in accordance with one’s aptitude.” (Analects of Confucius). We trust there is no single academic material could deliver the proper usage of the English language in today’s world of rapid changes. Hence, PEI creates and develops our distinguished mission,
“Our PEI concept encourages our students to be intrigued, not to be taught.”
What happens before and after a lessons is as vital as that inside the classroom. While we make sure the curriculum and teaching work wonders hand-in-hand, planning and evaluation create a better continuous learning experience for students in the future.
Special Education Needs (SEN)
In view of growing learning diversity in our territory, we have created, developed and maintained an integrated framework for students with Special Education Needs (SEN).
All our extensive PEI English Programs are planned and delivered with a caring eye on categories of impairments, disabilities, difficulties, deficit and disorder. Professionals with Therapeutic Learning experience oversees the whole process from invention to completion, making sure our teachers care and know how to care when we teach.
PEI differentiate ourselves from other local education institutions by delivering our education service via competitive service package with solid focus on effective English education and tight follow-up service. To facilitate us to becoming one of the most proficient English education providers in the market, we pro-actively encourage our clients to voice out their concerns so we could tailor-make our programs and learning sessions with respect to the needs and current progress of students.
Our previous PEI English Research Center in Hong Kong provided us with the exposure and amazing opportunities to work alongside with parents in Hong Kong to identify English needs of this generation. Our PEI Teaching Methodology at our center and pinpoint problems that students do encounter on daily basis.
Our qualified and experienced teachers have involved in education projects in more than 200 schools in Hong Kong
*With diversified professional background from English education, English-Chinese translation and interpretation, journalism and public and private legal sectors.
*Act as Teachers’ Consultant for the “Refined English Enhancement Scheme” run by the Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR.
*Awarded professional qualification of material writing from The Hong Kong Institute of Education
All PEI English Materials are researched, created, developed and evaluated concerning the actual needs we have been observing at our PEI English Centre and local schools in Hong Kong. Our team chosen in our PEI Teachers Selection Scheme never ‘copy and paste’ from textbooks.
Based on our academic research and day-to-day challenges faced by students, our team build materials targeting actual demands and immediate solutions, then grammatically and register-wisely proofread and edited by our renowned Australian lawyer and educator.
Materials are co-planned and written by our classroom teachers. Weekly meeting is held to ensure our PEI English Materials are up-to-date and relevant to the progress of the corresponding our PEI English Programs.
PEI Event and Art Department
This year we join hands with different artists and creative art workshop to extend our goal of encouraging students' creative thinking and personal development. Via inspirational art work creation and painting from different themes and festivals, we aim to provide our children the room to extend their imagination and creation through our hands-on visual art workshops.
Check out the events and explore the fun HERE.
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think” – Margret Mead
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”
Albert Einstein
“The most important thing about education is appetite” – Winston Churchill